Senin, 16 Januari 2012


Game Asik bwt di maenin waktu luang nih gan, gamenya lumayan enteng jadi spek kompie rendah masih bisa maen. yang asik udh direct link tinggal sedot pake IDM aj :D

OS: Windows� XP SP 3 (32-64 bits) / Windows Vista� (32-64 bits) / Windows 7� (32-64 bits) CPU: (Minimum) Pentium 4 2.0GHz /Athlon XP 2000+ (Recommended) Core 2 Duo E4400 2.0GHz / Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+ Memory: (Minimum) 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 1 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7) (Recommended) 2 GB for Windows � XP, 2 GB for Vista / Windows � 7 Video Memory: (Minimum) GeForce 8400 GS / Radeon HD 3450 (Recommended) GeForce 8600 GTS 512MB / Radeon X800 XL HDD : 1 GB of free Hard Drive Space

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Hack billing Warnet 2012

Game Zone -assalamualaikum wr wb..

apa kabar master-master HN,, pada theread saya kali ini adalah hasil eksperimen saya CulasCulas,, jadi pada intinya kita akan login otomatis kayak admin gak usah masukan password sama IDnya,,

hal yang perlu disiapkan :

1. jangan panik kalo ketahuan kalo di Santet jangan Huwaa walau kita jadi Bonyok yang penting kita tetep bisa wakaka dan Ganteng

langsung aja kecaranya :

cara menggunakan. :

1. masuk kedalam warnet dengan muka biasa aja,

2. jalankan warnet dengan main personal aja dulu,

3. copy AdamGhazali.rar ke dekstop terus ekstrack terus klik AdamGhazali

4. stop biling kalian ( bayar dulu ke OPnya :) )

5. terus pencetkan hotkeys Ctrl + Alt + Z, dan secara otomatis nanti kita login seperti admin :)

6. kalo udah puas pencet Ctrl + Alt + X

NB : kalo ketahuan sama OP nya,, Pikirkan sendiri alasanya ,, hehehhehee

pass :

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Ghost Master

Grim specters, howling banshees, and sly gremlins are yours to command as you unleash ghastly spirits on the town of Gravenville and scare the wits out of its citizens.In the world of the Ghost Master, spooks do your bidding, as you solve puzzles and unlock mysteries in a challenge that combines the best of strategy, adventure, and resource management games.

 Up to 15 unique, hair-raising adventures with multi-branching scenarios--all within a coherent plot and complete virtual world.
Easy-to-play interface--forget the manual!
 Spooks-eye view--an innovative 3-D camera lets you view the action from the perspective of humans or ghosts.
Revolutionary special effects, incredibly detailed characters, and macabre settings inspired by classic horror films.
Groundbreaking artificial intelligence--interact with up to 30 AI-driven characters at every level.
 Eleven expansive and distinct locations, including the town's lunatic asylum, military base, sorority and frat houses, and police station. 

Spiderman 3

Inspired by the Spider-Man film trilogy and the classic Spider-Man comics, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe challenges players to defeat and then join forces with notorious movie nemeses including Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Venom and Sandman, and embark on an epic quest to overcome a worldwide evil threat. Throughout the game�s original story and thrilling battles, fans control Spider-Man and one of numerous Super Hero or Super Villain sidekicks and master unique fighting moves and styles while switching between characters to execute team combos and defeat foes. 

System Requirements :
 OS: Windows XP/Vista
    Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz or Athlon Equivalent
    Memory: 512 MB (1 GB for Vista)
    Hard Drive: 5.5 GB Free
    Video Memory: 256 MB (nVidia GeForce 6/ATI Radeon x800)

Size: 1,35 GB

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars ( Link Maknyos )

System requirements:
 Os: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista / Windows 7
 Cpu: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 2.66GHz
 Video: nVidia GeForce GTS 150 / ATI Radeon HD 5670 512MB
 Audio: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0
 Ram: 2 GB
 Hdd: 2,1 GB

download file size : 734 Mb
pass : yoga
bagi yang belum punya akun manyos bisa daftar Di SINI

Pro Evolusion Soccer 2012 ( Link Lokal )

GameZone - Pro Evolution Soccer makes its return this fall, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012! This year, Konami is determined to give global football fans a truly realistic, immersive and a delightfully playable take on the beautiful game. Creative Producer Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka has been sourcing the desires of fans across the globe and working non-stop on marrying the digital game to the real life game so fans can get as close to the real thing. All elements have been examined � defense, offense, AI, penalties, officiating and of course, graphics! The result is a game truly represents the key attributes of the game and it's players. Pro Evolution Soccer...Can you play?

Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent processor
8GB free hard disk space
128MB PS 3.0 NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or AMD/ATI Radeon x1300 video card
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Windows compatible keyboard
800 x 600 monitor resolution

Recomended System Requirements
Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
Intel Core2 Duo 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
8GB free hard disk space
512MB PS 3.0 NVIDIA GeForce 7900 or AMD/ATI Radeon HD2400 or better
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Windows compatible USB Gamepad
1280 x 720 monitor resolution


Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Halo Combat Evolved-Cracked

Game Zone -Halo continues the story of the Master Chief genetically enhanced super soldier who is the only human ever to successfully defy the Covenent, a of alien race races on a murderous march toward earth. To the mysterious leaders of the Covenent,the human victory at ancient ring structure known as Halo was an unacceptable failure. They will not fail again.


Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Carding Software

Game Zone - Mungkin bagi yang sudah mengenal dunia haking pasti sudah tau apa itu Carding . ya Carding merupakan suatu cara untuk membobol suatu web store .banyak cara untuk melakukannya dari muali manual sampe yang memakai software ( ane baru bisa pek software Ngakak).nah sekarang ane bakal share software carding Google Extractor & SQL Exploiter .

[Image: 24966_1256337133363_1377657451_30626936_8328987_n.jpg] 

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Cari Admin

Game Zone - Selamat Tahun Baru buat semua'a  .saya sebagai admin di blog ini ingin memberikan sobat kesempatan untuk menjadi admin ke 2 setelah saya .karena dikarena sebentar lagi ada ujian saya sudah tidak sempat mengupdate blog ini maka dari itu saya ingin membuka lowongan sebagai admin . sebagai admin di sini tidak di "Bayar" .tapi ada keuntungan dari iklan sitti kita bagi 2 .dan ente bisa nanem iklan di blog ini.klo ada yang berminat silahkan berkomtar atau kirim e-mail k saya              " " saya cari yang niat saja . dan rajin ol supaya update blog ini :D